BlackCat Systems is developing a solution to a major problem that exists in international business today. Having a problem with the way time and dates are used is a conundrum. Since we are dealing with time, we call this problem a Chronundrum - our name for the problem and our name for the solution.

Chronundrum is being developed as a standalone package and as a software-as-a-service.

Chronundrum is designed to solved the following problems:

(1) Business: Inaccurate time measurements - lost seconds means lost interest and money Inability to map time zones correctly (meeting requests) - lost time and productivity

(2) Personal: Lack of personalization with modern calendars. Why can't an individual add native events to his own calendar?

(3) Research: Lack of accuracy with the display of past historic dates and time.

We are solving the myriad of problems businesses face with marking the time of events across all calendar systems, unlike most foreign calendars which are displayed on computers these days - Chronundrum, keeps the events native to that calendar - not translated from Gregorian. And can easily display them on any other calendar.

Chronundrum keeps a more detailed accounting of time as it records leap seconds as they occur over the centuries. A difference in 1 second over a year can mean a large loss of interest.

To our knowledge, we are the only software company that can accurately handle 23 and 25 hour days as the transition to/from daylight savings time is made. In fact, most companies don't event recognize that there are 23/25 hour days. Businesses live with the implications of the problems we discussed, but since no one talks about a solution, the problem is not recognized.

For example - the world's largest software company with their own scheduling products has to pick up the telephone to ensure that they can hold an international meeting with their office in Beijing because their scheduling software cannot handle the difference in time, time zone and calendar systems.

Some products that are coming with be plug-ins to Outlook and Exchange, Web Services as a Service in addition to web services and libraries provided to other developers.

In this age of personalization, why can't a computer user have at least 2 calendars systems on his desktop and create events in their native calendar system? For example, let's assume you wish to record a date 'My anniversary' on the Hebrew Calendar as Iyar 12, even though your day-to-day calendar is the Gregorian. All software programs that we are aware, force the user to translate their Hebrew date into a Gregorian one. That date translation is then only good for the year in which it was defined. Why can't it be defined as a native Hebrew calendar date? Iyar 12 is an annual event, why not let the other calendar dates revolve around it?

Why should this be so difficult to do?

  • Define the Date (once)
  • Display the Date

Then watch with confidence as the date you created is accurately translated through time.